VO  Productivity Pack 3

Version 3.1, by Paul Piko.
Released February 2004
Copyright 1998-2004  Piko Computing Consultants

Email contacts:
Technical: support@piko.com.au
Sales: sales@piko.com.au

What's New in VOPP 3.1?

Version 3.1 of the VO Productivity Pack has these new features:


- Significant changes were made to the IDE in VO 2.7, including the ability to have multiple copies of VO open simultaneously. Because VOPP is tightly coupled to the VO IDE it was necessary for significant changes in VOPP to maintain compatibility with VO 2.7.

Global Search and Replace

- The Global Search and Replace window is no longer modal - it is possible to switch back to the VO IDE

- Double-clicking the mouse on any of the search results will now open the entity in VO source code editor

Export Explorer

- Optionally show the entity Class name as a separate column

- Optionally show/hide the class in a method/access/assign name

- In Windows XP entities can be grouped by class and entity type

- There is an option to show the source code of an entity as a tooltip when the mouse is over the entity