Regular Expressions
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Regular expressions can take quite an effort to get right, but at the same time can be very powerful. VOPP supports most of the standard POSIX regex. A summary of regular expression terms and their meanings is included below. For a more detailed discussion please read

Match any character
n . (single)
e.g. d.g matches a string starting with d, ending with g, with any one character in between: dog will match, dg will not

Repetition operators
n * (zero or more)
e.g. do*g matches a string made up of zero or more "o" characters: dooog, doog, dog, dg all match

n + (one or more)
e.g. do+g matches a string made up of one or more "o" characters: dooog, doog, dog match, but dg doesn't

n ? (zero or one)
e.g. do?g matches zero or more "o" characters: dooog, doog don't match, but dog, dg do match

n {} (interval expression)
n {n} matches n occurrences of the preceding expression
n {n,} matches n or more occurrences of the preceding expression
n {n,m} matches at least n, but not more than m occurrences of the preceding expression

n ^ match beginning of line

n \ Escape character - use next character as is

n | (or)
e.g. dog|cat will match dog or cat

n [] (set of one or more items)

n [ab] matches any a or b

n [^ab] matches any character except a or b

n [a-z] matches any alphabetic character

n [a-z0-9] matches any alphabetic or digit character

n () (parentheses signify a regular expression group)

n & insert the original string found

n #0, #1, etc Each parentheses set, (), in the search expression denotes a group. Group numbering starts at zero. Specifying #n in the replace will insert the string that was matched by group n.

NOTE 1: spaces within regular expression _are_ significant

NOTE 2: see dimension example for important concept regarding matching

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