‘The trail of an imprint, the beginning of a mark’ 2018

Exhibited at c3 Contemporary Art Space as part of ‘No Safe Place To Rest Your Eyes’ 2018


‘The trail of an imprint, the beginning of a mark’ 2018 (video 9’11”)

‘The trail of an imprint, the beginning of a mark’ is a digital collage using appropriated footage, scanned collages and gameplay screen capture. Narrative expectations are subverted as seemingly still images linger on screen. We wait for something to be revealed only for new footage to appear and conceal.

What are the shades of a bruise?

A glitch is an unintentional reveal of material and structure. Pixilation and ‘glitches’ are embraced as painterly gestures and contrast the solid colour fields and digital voids that loom behind every action.

Fragmentary female figures from mainly old Hollywood film noir explore this collaged world.

These characters are seen trying to look past, to look through. Can they see through the smoke, the water, the ice, the void? Can they see each other?