What's New?
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Version 3.04 of the VO Productivity Pack has these new features:

Tip of the Day
n This new feature can display tips about VO and related tools when VO starts. You can also call it up from the Windows menu.

VOPP Calculator
n able to keep on top
n additional display ashexstring
n display of float result increased to 40,10
n user defineable result display

Global Search and Replace
n Comboboxes for search and replace now support copy/paste/cut

Language Assistant
n has been revised, refer to the Language Assistant page for full details
n improved update of window and menu entries
n optionally return load statement or just the updated value to the editor
n can look up string literal or string identifier
n language settings now on an application basis rather than per project
n the load statement (e.g. LoadResString()) is user configurable in VOPP Plus!

Export Explorer
n checks if it is the default program for export files
n has a new hot key in the VO IDE: Ctrl-Alt-O (to avoid confusion with the Euro hotkey)

System Builder, Single App Build
n improved process where any app in current project linked to an auto generated DLL PRG is automatically updated (doesn't have to be part of the current system)
n can choose to leave build dialog open

n Export at startup now only exports the current project, not all projects

Export Assistant
n show files that have error when exporting

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